Categories Jazz in the Park Tags Jazz in the Park, Jazz in the Park Competition Posted on 2 July 2023Swing, Jazz și Ritmuri Electronice la Jazz in the Park Competition Swing, Jazz și Ritmuri Electronice la Jazz in the Park Competition ...
Categories Jazz in the Park Tags Jazz in the Park, Jazz in the Park Competition, Jazz in the Park Competition a început Posted on 1 July 2023Jazz in the Park Competition – 15.000 de oameni în prima zi Jazz in the Park Competition - 15.000 de oameni în prima zi. Iubitor...
Categories Jazz in the Park Tags festival, Începe Jazz in the Park Competition, Jazz in the Park Competition Posted on 26 June 202330 August 2023Începe Jazz in the Park Competition Începe Jazz in the Park Competition În weekend, talentele din jazz...